When we book an appointment for you, we commit that time and our resources to your treatment. This means that, if anyone else wants to come at the same time, we will be unable to see them and will have to offer them an alternative time. If you do not then attend that appointment and either do not tell us in advance or give insufficient notice, we are unable to allocate the time to someone else; however, we still have staff salaries to pay during the unproductive time. For this reason, it is our policy to request deposits and make a charge if insufficient notice of cancellation or amendment is given.

We make appointments with the expectation that you will attend at the agreed date & time to undergo your treatment; if you change your mind or work/other commitments prevent you from attending, we ask you to give as much notice as possible so that we can reallocate your appointment slot to another customer.


When booking your appointment, we will normally seek a deposit from you, payment of which is your confirmation of your commitment to attend your appointment. Our deposits are normally fully refundable providing sufficient notice of cancellation is given (see below) and will be set at the following levels:

New Patient Examinations: £98

and other appointments of one hour (60 minutes) and more: 50% of quoted treatment


If you do not attend your appointment, or cancel later than 24 hours in advance, we reserve the right to keep paid deposit or make a charge as follows:

New Patient Examinations £98

and other appointments of one hour (60 minutes) or more: 50% of quoted treatment

Appointments where a higher deposit has been agreed at the time of booking: the amount of the deposit paid.

This charge will be debited to your account with us; if you have not paid a deposit, settlement of this charge will be required before treatment can continue. The charge will be applied per appointment missed; a checkup and hygienist session counts as two appointments even if they are consecutive on the same day.